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USMF "Nicolae Testemitanu" launched new master program

19:47 | 04.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, July 4 /MOLDPRES/- The State University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Nicolae Testemitanu" has launched a new two-year master's degree program "Early Childhood Intervention" for the academic year 2024-2025.

The program aims at training professionals capable of providing assistance to young children with developmental disorders, presenting and learning new theories and practical techniques for understanding their problems and needs, as well as helping them reach their full development potential. The program will be conducted in accordance with national and international quality standards and scientific research practice.

The profile of the master's program is interdisciplinary and falls within three fundamental areas - health, social sciences, journalism and public relations and education in accordance with the Nomenclature of vocational training fields and specialties in higher education.

The program goals are: application of values and standards of good practice in the performance of professional tasks; effective implementation of models of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary team work in the early intervention; effective carrying out educational activities in the promotion of early intervention; carrying out teaching and methodical-didactic activities; knowledge of the sciences underlying early intervention and the socio-economic burden of the problems of developmental disorders, including disability in children; early identification and diagnosis of developmental disorders and their development risks in children; working out and implementing in partnership with parents the individual plan as well as providing early intervention services to the child and family in accordance with the minimum quality standards and the individual plan; supporting the stimulation of child development with family training and strengthening parental capacities in order to ensure that the child achieves full potential and educational and social inclusion; conducting research activity.

The program graduates may work in health care institutions and organizations specialized in the early intervention service, regardless of the type of ownership and legal form of organization.


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