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Border Police received 38 cars, five motor boats purchased with German support

16:07 | 04.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, July 4 /MOLDPRES/- General Inspectorate of Border Police (IGPF) received today 38 cars and five motorboats worth about one million euros. They were purchased with the financial support of Germany.

Their value is 620 thousand euros, and of the boats - 360 thousand euros.

Present at the event to hand over the new equipment, Interior Minister Adrian Efros noted that the new equipment will increase the mobility of border guards, facilitating the work of preventing and maintaining safe borders and security. 

The official thanked Germany for the support.

"I am glad we can make a further contribution to strengthening the capabilities of the Border Police. Today's donation is part of a series of measures through which we have supported Moldovan partners in improving border control and we will continue to support them to the best of our abilities", Ambassador of Germany to Moldova Margret Maria Uebber said.

The diplomat said "Moldova's internal security has become an increasingly important issue due to the erosion of Ukraine's security architecture" and that "the area of effective border protection is a priority of German support for the Republic of Moldova".

IGPF head Ruslan Galușca said that the new equipment will help improve the efficiency of state border control and will improve the capacity for rapid intervention at the border. 







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