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Romanian Universities Fair organized in four cities of Moldova

18:30 | 04.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, July 4 /MOLDPRES/- Young people from the Republic of Moldova can discover the educational offers of educational institutions from across the Prut at the Romanian Universities Fair, which is being organized in four cities of our country. The event is taking place today in Chisinau, and by the end of the week the volunteers will arrive in Ungheni, Balti and Cahul.

Secondary school, high school and college graduates from our country can get answers to questions related to the admission process to Romanian pre-university and university studies in the next academic year, educational offers, the number of available places, necessary documents and other relevant information.

Paula Bodlev, president of the Federation of Young Bessarabians in Romania said that at the fair young people can find information about admission to studies in Romania, in various specializations in several cities across the Prut, from Oradea to Iași, from Bacău, Suceava to Constanta or Bucharest.

The organizers claim that from year to year there is an increasing trend in the number of young people choosing to study in Romania, because the Romanian state has started to grant more facilities for Romanians from abroad, and one of them is the scholarship, which has increased significantly in the last year.






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