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Prime Minister discussed with local public authorities of Ceadir-Lunga

14:59 | 04.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, July 4 /MOLDPRES/- Prime Minister Dorin Recean discussed today with representatives of local public authorities and public services of Gagauzia the opportunities for development of localities via the strategic goal of Moldova's integration into the European Union, as well as the benefits of government programs and cross-border projects implemented in the country, the government's communication department has reported.

The official spoke about the need to strengthen the efforts of public authorities at all levels to speed up the country's modernization and ensure better living conditions for citizens.

"We have only one goal - to improve people's living standards. Together we must build Europe at home. Let's have high salaries, quality health services, renovated roads, modern schools and kindergartens and top universities," he said.

In this context, Recean urged local representatives to continue to use the opportunities offered by the European Village program: "This program is an investment of the Government in our villages and towns. You have the opportunity to decide which projects to implement in your locality, and to prepare to access the pre-accession funds".

The issues discussed by mayors included the rehabilitation of roads, reconstruction of water supply systems, management of water reservoirs and repair of cultural centers. The mayors also addressed the shortage of medical staff to serve the local people. 

The talks also focused on the voluntary amalgamation and its benefits, salaries of city hall employees and support for children left without parental care.





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