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GOVERNMENT BUILDS: Traffic reopened on Basarabeasca road bridge

18:34 | 05.07.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, July 5 /MOLDPRES/- The State Road Administration (ASD) reopened today Basarabeasca road bridge after the completion of repair works.

Attending the event, Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development Andrei Spînu said "as of today, more than 7,000 residents of the city and all those who transit through the city will be able to travel safely".

The repaired bridge is 89.1 m long and 11.30 m wide.

The works to repair the bridge started in July 2023, and were carried out on schedule , amounting to over 22 million lei (1.1 million euros), money allocated from the Road Fund.

The bridge crosses the road over Cogâlnic river in Basarabeasca. It was built in 1970 and has been in service for 51 years, which made it necessary to carry out works to improve traffic safety and comfort.







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