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Mourning day: Moldova commemorates 75th anniversary of second deportation operation

10:49 | 06.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, July 6 /MOLDPRES/- Moldova commemorates the 75th anniversary of the second deportation operation of July 5-6, 1949. Several events, exhibitions and flower-laying ceremonies are organized in the capital.

Attending the event were the country's leadership and guests from Romania.

Train of Sorrow exhibition, now in its second edition was launched in the Great National Assembly Square. This year, the exhibition is presented in a new format, with digital and graphic elements, multimedia content, objects, pictures and stories from the lives of deported families. A library with books about those sad events is also set up in the two wagons, and visitors will be able to find the names of deported relatives in the Book of Memory.

People visiting the exhibition in the center of the capital will be accompanied by historians and guides. Thanks to virtual reality elements, the exhibition can be viewed from anywhere in the Republic of Moldova, and from outside the country by scanning a QR code.

An exhibition in memory of the victims of Stalinist deportations has also been inaugurated in the Parliament building. Among the exhibits are archive documents and objects belonging to MP Valentina Ghețu, who was born in Siberia into a family of deportees.

The deportation of July 6-9, 1949 is the largest mass deportation on the current territory of the Republic of Moldova, which affected 36 thousand people or more than 11 thousand families. The deported peasants' homes, land and possessions were handed over to the colony, and some were stolen and sold. To carry out the operation, 3,071 trucks and 1,736 wagons were mobilized.


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