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Prime Minister meets UN General Assembly President

21:05 | 06.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, July 6 /MOLDPRES/- Moldova continues to give the necessary support to refugees from Ukraine, a country bravely fighting Russian aggression, in order to maintain peace throughout Europe. Prime Minister Dorin Recean made the statement at a meeting with President of the United Nations General Assembly Dennis Francis. At the same time, the official thanked the UN for the help it offers to our country, the government's communication department has reported.

Dennis Francis expressed appreciation for hosting Ukrainian citizens, as well as for the government's progress in social inclusion and gender equality.

The sides also discussed the start of negotiations on Moldova's accession to the European Union, the challenges in the region, as well as the country's participation in the Summit of the Future, due on September 22-23 in New York.

Moldova has been a member of the UN since 1992. More than 20 UN agencies are currently active in our country.


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