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Head of state after Russian attack on children's hospital in Ukraine: This is war against children

17:52 | 08.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, July 8 /MOLDPRES/- President Maia Sandu has condemned Russia's attack on a children's hospital in Kyiv and sent a message of solidarity with the Ukrainian people, the presidential press service has reported.

"War against children - we have to tell the truth about what happened today in Kyiv, about Russia's bombing of a hospital for children suffering from incurable diseases," the head of state said.

Maia Sandu said that the killing of children is not about ideology, geopolitics or political debates. "It is about innocent children, about bombs hitting hospitals where little ones are fighting cancer. It's about children dying in their mothers' arms. It is a war against children," the head of state said.

The president also said it is shocking that some still deny the atrocities. 

Maia Sandu also emphasized that today's world is totally different from the one before February 2022 - "we need to focus on what really matters: stopping the killing of these innocent souls".






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