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Moldovan president attends opening of primary stroke center in Floresti

19:31 | 09.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, July 9 /MOLDPRES/- On a visit to Floresti district, President Maia Sandu went to the district hospital and participated in the opening of primary stroke center, according to the presidential press release.

"The investments that are made in health actually mean more lives saved. The opening in Floresti of the 8th primary stroke center out of a network of 12 centers will allow doctors to provide prompt and qualitative first aid to patients," the head of state said.

The president noted that Floresti district hospital has benefited from investments of almost 40 million lei in less than two years since it came under the Ministry of Health. "Good doctors working at home and patients receiving quality services - this is our plan in the field of health," Maia Sandu said.






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