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Moldovan government approved Sport 2030 development strategy

12:37 | 10.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, July 10 /MOLDPRES/- Modernization of sports infrastructure, promotion of sports activities in schools and universities, as well as granting the necessary support for the development of performance sports are the main objectives of the Sport 2030" development strategy approved today by the Executive, the Government's Communication Department has reported.

Thus, in the next few years, the Cabinet aims to build and rehabilitate multi-purpose halls and football stadiums in district centers, build a national football arena and equip sports complexes and fields with medical equipment. Sports infrastructure will be improved in communities and schools.

There will also be actions to promote sport and an active lifestyle to keep people healthy. 

In order to develop performance sport, financial support for national sports federations will be increased, a system of special medical insurance for athletes will be created and the number of state medical cabinets for their recovery will be increased. The system of continuous training for physical education teachers, coaches, referees, psychologists and sports doctors will also be improved.

There are currently 101 sports schools operating in the Republic of Moldova, attended by around 39 thousand children. Compared to 2000, both the number of schools and the number of sportsmen increased by about a third.


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