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Another 50 teachers to improve language skills in Romania

11:36 | 11.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, July 11 /MOLDPRES/- The second group of Romanian language teachers from Gagauzia, Taraclia district and Balti municipality will participate in Romanian language improvement courses in Romania on July 17-31. The training courses are organized at the initiative of the Ministry of Education and Research (MEC) and the Romanian Embassy in Chisinau, with the support of the Ministry of Education in Bucharest.

The Romanian language courses will be held at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi. Another 50 teachers will have the opportunity to improve their language skills in Romania.

Minister of Education and Research Dan Perciun said that by attending the courses in Romania, teachers will not only have the opportunity to improve their language skills, but also to discover new pedagogical methods and practices that they will be able to apply in schools.

"We are counting on making this project permanent and extending the list of Romanian universities where teachers who teach in Romanian can take refresher courses and discover Romania every year. We are pleased that interest in Romanian is growing in regions with a compact population of ethnic minorities. We will also create internship opportunities for teachers of other subjects taught in Romanian", said Dan Perciun.

Romania's Ambassador to Moldova Cristian-Leon Țurcanu said that after the 57 teachers who were part of the first group, two other groups of teachers will benefit from the training courses organized in Romania this year.

Present at the event, Oazu Nantoi, Member of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova said that these courses are "a step towards normality which also means linguistic integration, and linguistic integration means that we can maintain peace and security in this country and establish relations that will benefit professional performance".

According to the Ministry of Education in Chisinau, there are around 900 Romanian language teachers in Moldova's education system, who teach in 255 foreign-language schools. To support these teachers, the MEC is taking several measures. Thus, the Framework Plan for primary, secondary and high school education for the 2024-2025 academic year, approved by the ministry, provides for the inclusion of an additional hour of Romanian language study in foreign-language schools, starting from the first grade and up to the twelfth grade. The MEC's Multilingual Education Concept will also contribute to this important step, which foresees a gradual shift to the study of some core subjects also in Romanian. 

In 2023, with the support of the MEC, 17,400 Romanian language and literature textbooks were published for the 5th and 7th grades.  







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