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GOVERNMENT BUILDS // Rehabilitation of bridge over Bâc river ongoing

15:10 | 11.07.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, July 11 /MOLDPRES/- Rehabilitation works are continuing on the bridge over the Bâc river and the railway overpass on the M1 road border with Romania - Leuseni - Chisinau - Dubasari - border with Ukraine, km 94-95, Stage II. The current physical state of execution is as follows: bridge over the Bâc River - 50%; railway overpass - 45%; M1 road - 60%; access roads to road node - 55%; consolidation of Bâc river bed - 35%, according to the State Road Administration (ASD).

The project is complex and includes the ongoing works.

The value of the project is about 184 thousand lei (9,200 euros), money allocated from the road fund. ASD reiterates the strategic importance of the infrastructure project which will bring significant improvements to the traffic flow on the M1 road, minimize traffic jams in the area and improve road safety. This will reduce travel time for traffic bypassing the capital, as well as for drivers commuting from nearby settlements and other suburbs.





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