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Moldova to have functional representation of Romanian Commodities Exchange

16:07 | 11.07.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, July 11 /MOLDPRES/- In a few weeks, a new structure, the Romanian Commodities Exchange (BRM) will be operational in Moldova. It will contribute to the construction of a competitive, transparent and non-discriminatory energy market, including in the natural gas sector, for the benefit of domestic and industrial consumers, serving entrepreneurs and public services. Deputy Prime Minister Dumitru Alaiba, Minister of Economic Development and Digitalization (MDED) made the statement today.

"We are engaged in a broad process of negotiations for accession to the European Union, and this also means building elements of a strong economy, such as a commodity exchange. This is a clear step in our goal to build a strong and dynamic economy, providing entrepreneurs to do business with added value, and a Commodity Exchange is indispensable in a modern economy," Alaiba said.

"I am glad that in only one year we have finalized a complex process and now we have a fully functional structure of the Romanian Commodities Exchange in Chisinau. By expanding the BRM in Moldova we want to lend a helping hand to the national authorities in the formation and consolidation of a competitive market, providing transparent and non-discriminatory mechanisms for purchasing and trading", said President of the Romanian Commodities Exchange Gabriel Purice.

The Romanian Commodities Exchange, the oldest private operator of commodity trading platforms in Romania, is officially opening its operations in Moldova, wishing to contribute to the construction of a competitive, transparent and non-discriminatory energy market, including in the natural gas sector, for the benefit of domestic and industrial consumers. BRM will contribute to strengthening energy security in Moldova, helping form the best price for the end consumer, and in this way to prevent any crises on the energy market. It will help Moldova fully honor its obligations related to participation in the European Energy Community for the benefit of its citizens.




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