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Moldovan students won silver medal, bronze medal and honorable mention at International Biology Olympiad

11:49 | 15.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, July 15 /MOLDPRES/- Moldovan students have won a silver medal, a bronze medal and an honorable mention at the International Biology Olympiad held in Astana, Kazakhstan.

The silver medal was won by Constantin Babuc, a student of Orizont Theoretical High School, Durlești, Chisinau. The bronze medalist is Bianca-Sofia Leahu, a student of the same educational institution, and the honorable mention was obtained by Ștefan Gînju, a student of Spiru Haret Theoretical high school, Chisinau.

The 35th edition of the International Biology Olympiad took place from July 7 to 14, 2024. About 286 students from 81 countries participated. The Republic of Moldova was represented by four students and two teachers.


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