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Massive forest fire in Cahul

18:27 | 15.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, July 15 /MOLDPRES/- Firefighters from the south of Moldova were called today to help liquidate a forest fire in Cahul. The fire had already destroyed about six hectares of forest out of the total area of 10 hectares.

According to the IGSU, the call was received at 14:52, and according to the registered information, the fire engulfed the forest and dry grass on the outskirts of Cahul municipality.

At the moment, IGSU employees continue to work on the spot to liquidate the fire. The cause and circumstances of the fire are still to be established.

In this context, the IGSU repeatedly urges the population to be cautious and to strictly observe fire prevention rules, especially in hot weather, in order to avoid outbreaks of forest and dry vegetation fires.





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