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USMF "Nicolae Testemitanu", Academy of Sciences of Moldova sign cooperation agreement

19:35 | 16.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, July 16 /MOLDPRES/- State University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Nicolae Testemitanu" and Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM) will boost cooperation in the research and innovation in several important aspects such as: mutual information, participation in research and innovation projects, joint activities to strengthen capacities to support scientific research in medicine, genetics, physiology, biochemistry, microbiology.

Rector of the USMF "Nicolae Testemitanu" Emil Ceban and president of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova Ion Tighineanu signed the cooperation agreement on 15 July 2024.

Under the document, the parties will support fundamental and applied scientific research, the development of social partnership between higher education and research institutions, between educational and governmental structures, scientific organizations, business communities, as well as contribute to the promotion of scientific excellence in the work of young people, the establishment of links between generations by promoting science among pupils and students, the networking of specialists in different fields and harnessing new opportunities for young researchers.

Emil Ceban emphasized the importance of the agreement signed between the institutions, noting "it will open new opportunities for the development of scientific research. The agreement focuses on a sustainable partnership, especially with the Life Sciences Section of the ASM, which supports projects in the field of medicine". The rector also said that there is the possibility of signing partnership agreements with other universities on research components. These collaborations could also be facilitated through the Rectors' Council, of which Professor Ceban is the president.

"In recent years, we have developed a fruitful collaboration with USMF "Nicolae Testemitanu", especially during the pandemic period, when a platform for bilateral communication and interaction was initiated", Ion Tighineanu said. 

Currently, two platforms focused on research in the medicine are being set up at the ASM: "Stroke" - coordinated by Stanislav Groppa and "Coronavirus new type SARS-CoV-2 and interference with other diseases" - coordinated by Eva Gudumac.



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