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Moldovan cabinet approves regulation on quality education

14:48 | 17.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, July 17 /MOLDPRES/- Government is increasing access to quality education for all children. Each pupil who will be transferred from a school with less than 50 children to a public primary or secondary school will receive a monthly benefit of 1,000 lei for two years. The allowances are not granted during the months of June-August. The government approved today a regulation in this regard, the government's communication department has reported.

The project will guarantee access of pupils from small schools to quality education, motivating their parents to transfer them to institutions with a larger number of children, where they will have more benefits. These include more varied educational options and extra-curricular activities, as well as access to modernly equipped classrooms and well-equipped laboratories. All this will contribute to higher academic performance and better prepare children for the future.

The allowance will be provided at the request of the parents under an application submitted to the institution to which the pupil has been transferred. The money will be awarded from September 2024. The total cost for the implementation of the measure is estimated at 3 million lei.

Currently, there are 102 primary and secondary schools in the Republic of Moldova, with up to 50 students.


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