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Moldova to get grant to build or renovate social housing

18:05 | 17.07.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, July 17 /MOLDPRES/- The Council of Europe Development Bank will give our country a grant worth 6 million euros to ensure energy efficiency standards for social housing to be built or renovated. The members of the Committee on Economy, Budget and Finance will propose to ratify an agreement on the matter.

The grant agreement aims to implement energy efficiency measures of the Public Housing III project. It provides for the construction or renovation of 450 social housing units, as well as student hostels and elderly homes. Respectively, energy efficiency measures will be implemented that will reduce CO2 emissions, ensure increased comfort and air quality, reduce the energy burden in the long term.

To implement the project, the Council of Europe Development Bank has granted our country a loan of €20 million. In addition to this grant, the Green Social Investment Fund will provide a further €1 million in non-reimbursable financing.

The contribution of the Republic of Moldova is also made up of a financial part of €1.1 million from local public authorities or public entities, and a non-financial part, consisting of land or unfinalized constructions, technical documentation and technical expertise of the constructions, amounting to €6.2 million.

The Public Housing III project will be implemented by June 30, 2029.



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