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Population and Housing Census: Post-census survey in 121 localities

19:30 | 17.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, July 17 /MOLDPRES/- On July 15 - August 11, the post-census survey of the Population and Housing Census is being conducted in 121 localities in the Republic of Moldova. It is organized by the National Statistics Bureau (BNS).

Government spokesman Daniel Voda announced today that the post-census survey is a "very important" research to assess the coverage and accuracy of the data collected in the national census.

"This survey aims to independently evaluate the Census and help statisticians better understand how it was conducted," he said.

In this context, Daniel Voda urged citizens to be cooperative and answer the questions.

Post-census survey is a method of independent evaluation of a census. It involves a repeated count of the census population based on a representative sample, followed by a matching of each census unit with the information collected during the census activity.

One of the basic principles is the operational independence of its conduct. 

The population and housing census was conducted from April 8 to July 7.




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