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CEC sets out conditions for broadcasting public interest messages during election campaign

19:32 | 17.07.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, July 17 /MOLDPRES/- The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) notes that only messages of public interest can be broadcast during elections. They are approved by the CEC, under the law.

The CEC draws the attention of media service providers that from August 1 until the day when the election results will be confirmed by the competent bodies, media service providers, broadcasters and advertising distributors will be entitled to broadcast only messages of public interest approved by the CEC in a regulatory manner.

At the same time, the CEC informs that a public interest message is a form of advertising whose provider is a public sector entity or non-commercial organization registered in the Republic of Moldova and which aims to promote the objectives set out in Article 12 of Law no. 62/2022 on advertising, and in the electoral context which aims to promote democratic values, participatory democracy, informing citizens about elections and/or referendums during electoral periods, in accordance with electoral legislation, as well as about how citizens exercise their political and electoral rights.

All messages of public interest that will be approved by the CEC will be published on the official website of the institution, under the headings "Presidential Elections" and "Constitutional Republican Referendum".

On August 4, 2023, the CEC approved the Regulation on political and electoral advertising and messages of public interest (



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