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Searches at Leuseni customs post: four employees of Moldova's Customs Service detained within corruption file

12:06 | 18.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 18 July /MOLDPRES/ - Four Customs Service employees today were detained within a corruption file, following searches carried out at the Leuseni customs checkpoint today morning.    

According to the National Anticorruption Centre (CNA), the raids took place at the Leuseni customs post, as well as the homes of several Customs Service employees, within a criminal file opened on corruption deeds. Following the actions, four customs officers were detained for 72 hours.   

„The suspects would have claimed and accepted sums of money from carriers of parcels and passengers operating on international routes to and from European Union countries. The illicit remunerations were claimed for facilitating the customs procedures or for their full evading, such as: omitting the thorough verification as to the assets carried and respectively, the exemption from the payment of the rights of import,’’ CNA said.   

Eight searches were carried out today morning, which concerned the job offices, vehicles and homes of the suspects. Following criminal prosecution actions, law-enforcers raised financial means, the origin of which is to be established, information bearers and other relevant evidence for the cause.    

The investigations continue under the procedural leadership of prosecutors from the Balti municipality’s Prosecutor’s Office, in cooperation with representatives of  the integrity and supervision department of the Customs Service.   




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