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Notion regarding procedure of refreshing assets from state reserves to be included in Moldova's legislation

12:43 | 18.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 18 July /MOLDPRES/ - The parliament today adopted a draft law meant to improve the normative framework which regards the state and mobilization reserves. The legislative initiative was worked out by the Interior Ministry (MAI).     

Thus, the law will contain a new general action for the refreshing of the material assets from the state and mobilization reserves. It is about the refreshing through commercialization, which implies the sale of products from the state and mobilization reserves, before the expiration of the validity term. As a rule, this operation is applied to the assets of the category of food products (tinned goods), medicines, medical devices and instruments (gauze, scalpel, thermometer, pipette).    

The ban on the preservation and depositing of diverse material assets in places meant for the preservation of the material assets from the state reserves will be included in the legislation too.  

The refreshing of material assets through commercialization will take place inclusively based on the annual plans on the refreshing of material assets from the state and mobilization reserves. The annual plan will be secret and the authority in charge will publish only the announcement on the sale of assets.

Other legislative amendments regard the release of material assets from the state reserves, responsibility of the beneficiaries, providers and guardians in charge of the non-conforming actions for the sector of the state and mobilization reserves, as well as the competence of the Material Reserves Agency to keep record including of the humanitarian assistance received by the state, without having a concrete receptionist.     



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