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European Village programme: About 600 residents of central Moldova village have access to qualitative sanitation services

15:27 | 18.07.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 18 July /MOLDPRES/ - About 600 residents from the Verejeni village, central Telenesti district, as well as five public institutions from this settlement have access to qualitative sanitation services. The project on the purification and evacuation of residual waters cost 4.5 million lei and was included in the European Village Programme, edition I.     

The project included the construction of 732 metres of sewerage networks, of a  station for purifying residual waters with a daily capacity of 80 cubic metres and a station of pumping residual waters. At the same time, employees carried out works on rehabilitation of segments of road deteriorated in the wake of diggings and works of setting underground tubes.  

Through the carrying out of this project, 200 households (about 600 people) and five social institutions, such as the kindergartens, gymnasium, multifunctional centre for children, centre for people with health problems and the church, now have access to a modern sewerage system.   

The mayor of this settlement, Serghei Popa, says that this project represented a new stage in the improvement of the village’s infrastructure and of the living conditions for those over 2,400 residents of the Verejeni village, who have been expecting the connection of their households to a centralized sewerage system for decades.

According to the National Office of Regional and Local Development, the cost of the project implemented at Verejeni exceeds 4.5 million lei. Over 610,000 lei of this sum was provided as grant by the government of Romania. Most money – 3.3 million lei – was provided by Moldova’s government through the National Fund for Regional and Local Development and the community from Verejeni contributed 565,000 lei.





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