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Moldova ratifies Council of Europe's Convention for protection of Audiovisual Heritage

19:00 | 18.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 18 July /MOLDPRES/ - The lawmakers today ratified the Council of Europe’s Convention for the Protection of the Audiovisual Heritage.  

The Convention emphasizes the responsibility of the signatory states to adopt efficient measures, in order to protect, preserve and safeguard the audiovisual heritage. The cooperation between the signatory states will encourage the conservation, restoration and access to the audiovisual materials which show the national history and culture, bringing to the forefront the contribution of each country to the European cultural diversity. This will encourage the promotion of Moldova’s distinct cultural and audiovisual heritage, in order to be recognized and appreciated internationally.     

A string of support measures are established with the implementation of the Convention by the signatory states. At the same time, the efforts of restoration and conservation of audiovisual materials will be boosted, thus facilitating the access to the cultural heritage through diverse digital platforms. In the context, the Convention’s ratification will improve the quality of the education services and will open the gates for the institutional educational cooperation. Also, the Convention’s ratification will serve as catalyst for increasing the local production of audiovisual content, thus backing the development of the native creators.  

The concerned Convention entered into force on 1 January 2008 and was ratified by 12 Council of Europe member states.



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