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Moldova's president meets Moldovan citizens living in Ireland

11:44 | 20.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 20 July /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu has paid a working visit to Dublin, where she discussed with Moldovan citizens who live in this country. The head of state said that Ireland was a country proving that the development of the economy and the improvement of the living standards can prompt people return home, even after tens of years spent abroad, the presidential press service reported.   

„The community of our Moldovans who live here, in Ireland, fully understands that the European road generates opportunities; they were able to make sure of this  according to the Irish example. I thanked them for supporting and promoting the way chosen by our country and for the way they get involved in the country’s development,’’ the president said.   

The head of state noted that she met Moldovans who had become entrepreneurs in Ireland. ‘’I was happy to know citizens who had edified through work businesses which promote our country and its products. They manage, through daily efforts, during more years, to shape the image of a diligent and honest people,’’ Maia Sandu said.     

At the same time, the president stressed that Moldova was changing through the investments made in roads, kindergartens, schools and hospitals, in our villages and towns. ‘’I urged them to continue promoting our country – through the way they speak about Moldova, through the traditions which they preserve, through the business contacts they establish. I encouraged them to participate in the Diaspora Invest event, organized by the Investments Agency, in order to lay the foundations of ways in which we can develop the country together,’’ President Maia Sandu added.  









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