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Moldova to benefit from grant worth 4.3 million euros to manage waste management infrastructure in southern region

11:04 | 22.07.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 22 July /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova will benefit from a grant worth 4.3 million euros for the modernization of the waste management infrastructure from the southern region. The members of the parliamentary commission for foreign policy and European integration have approved a consultative notification on the starting of the negotiations and approval of the signing of an agreement on grant between Moldova and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). They money is meant for the carrying pout of the project, Solid Waste in Moldova.     

Under the document, the infrastructure on solid waste management is to be developed in the districts of Cahul, Cantemir, Taraclia, Vulcanesti, Ceadar-Lunga and Comrat.  The overall cost of the project is of about 17 million euros.   

The money provided by EBRD is meant for more components of the project. Thus, 2.25 million euros will be invested in the construction of a waste deposit and sorting stations obliteration in the Cahul city, as well as for the construction of transfer stations in the settlements Cania, Taraclia and Comrat. At the same time, 810,000 euros is meant for purchasing equipment for the treatment and removal of waste and a similar sum will be spent for the closing of all waste deposits in the settlements where the project will be implemented.

Moldova has earlier concluded an agreement on loan with EBRD, which provides for the allocation of 25 million euros for the implementation of a part of the project, Solid Waste in Moldova, which will be implemented till 2027. The project regards also the districts of Briceni, Ocnita, Edinet and Donduseni.  



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