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Representatives of Moldova's medical university participate in probation within BioMedPlant Moldovan-Romanian project

15:35 | 23.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 23 July /MOLDPRES/ - An university professor, head of the Department of pharmacology and pharmaceutical botany Tatiana Calalb and an university lecturer,  Cristina Ciobanu, from the medicines’ technology Department of the pharmacy faculty of the Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy (USMF) have made a probation at the Research Centre for the Study of Quality of Food Products of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine (USAMV) from Bucharest, Romania.     

Thus, on 8-19 July this year, the representatives of the Pharmacy Faculty familiarized with the activities of the host institution, infrastructure of the student campus, the centre’s laboratories, the experimental greenhouses and grounds, etc. Also, the USMF’s delegation had meetings with the administrative team of USAMV – pro-rector for internationalization and relations with students, Florin Stanica, the dead of the Horticulture Faculty, Adrian Asanica, the Centre’s director, Liliana Badulescu, the director for international relations and mobility, Adina Somesan. The sides tackled the project’s goals, as well as ways of carrying out and promotion of its results.          

The USMF representatives participated in exhibitions for presenting the products cultivated on the Centre’s experimental grounds, an opportunity to present the achievements and innovations of the university in the field of the experimental agriculture and research.  

„The project provides the USMF Nicolae Testemitanu opportunities of research at a modern scientific centre, team work, exchange of experience and management, advancement in the study of chemical compounds if pharmaceutical interest and niot, in the least, the consolidation of the interinstitutional cooperation,’’ professor Tatiana Calalb said.    

This is the first mobility organized within the research project , BioMedPlant titled, Turning to account of spontaneous medicinal plants and cultivated as sources of bioactive compounds through the use of advanced techniques and micro-propagation, launched on 8 July, this year. The project is implemented by USAMV, in partnership with the USMF Nicolae Testemitanu and the Alexandru Ciubotaru National Botanical Garden from Chisinau.     







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