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First ever event for Moldova's financial market: online platform to be launched for direct investments in State Transferable Securities

16:08 | 23.07.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 23 July /MOLDPRES/ - The platform, dedicated to the trading of state transferable securities (VMS), will be launched in Moldova; this is a first-ever event for the country. Thus, citizens will have more options to make safe investments, in order to ensure a stable financial future, contributing, at the same time, to the financing of projects on the country’s development.    

The webpage,, due to be launched on 31 July 2024, will allow the direct carrying out of transactions, without intermediaries and commissions, by all Moldova’s citizens. The new platform was developed by Moldova’s Finance Ministry, with the support of the Transparency of Financial Sector of Moldova Project of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).     

The launch of the platform, will give possibility to the citizens of Moldova and from abroad, who have bank account in Moldova, to invest in VMS and the Finance Ministry – to borrow money from private people, in order to finance projects on the country’s development – social, infrastructure projects, etc.     

Through the platform, Moldova’s citizens will be able to create a personalized account, carry out online transactions dealing with investments in VMS, without intermediaries, to access updated information, such as the current and historical rates, by benefitting from transparency and clarity in all transactions made, to manage the account and the investments made 24 hours, 7 from 7 days, with maximal flexibility in the administration of investments.    

The State Transferable Securities represent one of the safest instruments of investments, due to the full guarantee provided by the state. Through VMS, the state borrows money from citizens, in order to finance projects on the development and economic growth of the country. VMS include treasure bonds, which are issued for a term of up to one year and state bonds, issued for periods longer than one year.    



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