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Moldova to send new ambassadors to six countries

16:57 | 23.07.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 23 July /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova will send new ambassadors to six states. The parliamentary commission for foreign policy and European integration, at a today’s meeting, approved positive consultative notifications for the candidacies accepted.    

According to the Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE), Eugen Caras is to be nominated as Moldova’s Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador to Estonia, Gabriela Moraru – to the Czech Republic, Anatolie Vangheli – to the United Arab Emirates, Oleg Nica – to Italy, Mihaela Mocanu – to Latvia and Victoria Rosa – to Austria.  

Deputy Prime Minister Foreign Affairs Minister Mihai Popsoi said that the criteria of professionalism had been at the basis of the establishment of the new ambassadors.  

„Most of them are career diplomats, with an experience of 18-29 years in the diplomatic service. Their skills, education and experience are quite valuable for an optimum representation of Moldova’s interests abroad,’’ Mihai Popsoi said.   

Those six accepted ambassadors will be able to start their work only after the undergoing of all legal procedures, including the appointment to office under government decision and president’s decree.   

According to the Law on the diplomatic service, proposals on the appointment to  the office of ambassador are submitted by MAE to the government, with the consultation of the parliament’s commission for foreign policy and European integration.   








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