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Moldovan government approves programme of vouchers for household appliances

11:39 | 24.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 24 July /MOLDPRES/ - About 150,000 vulnerable families from all over Moldova will benefit, in the next three years, from support on behalf of the cabinet, in order to replace their old household appliances by new and energy efficient ones. The cabinet of ministers today approved the regulation of the programme of vouchers for household appliances, elaborated by the Energy Ministry, the government’s communication department has reported.     

The document regulates the way of providing vouchers, which will cover up to 70 per cent of the cost of the household appliances. They will be provided to the consumers registered in the Assistance at Meter governmental programme, based on the criteria concerning the energy vulnerability degree assigned to the household for the previous year, the average monthly consumption of electric energy, as well as the composition of the families which ask for financial support for the replacement of the household appliances.    

The eligibility criteria will be considered and approved by the financing and risk committee of the National Centre for Sustainable Energy (CNED). At the same time, the beneficiaries selected will be informed about the availability of vouchers through the personal office on the website, through SMS messages or by email.   

For long term, the programme will contribute to the enhancement of the economic security, optimization of the consumption of energy and diminution of the energy poverty, through the decrease of expenses for the residents’ invoices.    

More details about the programme of vouchers for household appliances can be found on the website and the website    



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