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North Moldova city to have modern waste deposit

16:54 | 24.07.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 24 July /MOLDPRES/ - A modern waste deposit will be constructed in the north Moldova Donduseni city in 2025 and transfer stations will be built in Edinet and Briceni. The works are part of the Solid Waste in Moldova project.    

Besides these investments, the unauthorized waste deposits will be closed, the households will be endowed with dumping carts and a sanitation operator will be established, which will provide the evacuation, carriage and sorting of waste. 

According to Environment Minister Sergiu Lazarencu, the success of this project depends, to a great extent, on citizens’ understanding and cooperation. ‘’ ‘’It is important that the residents understand the importance of the payment for the sanitation service, in order to keep the settlements clean and to prevent the uncontrolled throwing away of waste on edges of roads, in lakes or forests. To achieve the European living standards, it is essential that each citizen actively contributes to the maintenance of a sound and friendly environment,’’ the official noted.    

The districts of Donduseni, Edinet, Briceni and Ocnita are part of the Waste Management Area 8 (ZMD 8). The greatest progress is recorded in ZMD 8 and ZMD 5, which comprises the districts of Ungheni, Calarasi and Nisporeni; the works are to be carried out simultaneously, according to the central environmental authority.  

The National Waste Management Strategy (SNGD) for 2013-2027 provides for the regionalization of waste, which is presently fragmented, in eight waste management areas (ZMD). The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development provided Moldova with a loan worth 25 million euros, co-financed with a loan of 25 million euros on behalf of the European Investment Bank (EIB), in order to back more waste management areas.    

The financing provides for the development of the infrastructure of collection and transfer of waste (containers for waste, vehicles for the collection and supervision of waste), construction of the infrastructure for the removal and treatment of solid waste (waste deposits, sorting stations, obliteration stations, transfer stations), closing of waste deposits. The investments will vary from one area to another.   



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