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National Office of Culture Development to be set up in Moldova

14:29 | 24.07.2024 Category: Culture

Chisinau, 24 July /MOLDPRES/ - The National Centre for Education through Art will be reorganized into the Public Institution, National Office of Culture Development (IP ONDC). The new structure will manage the national culture fund and will select the cultural and editorial projects due to be financed from the state budget. The cabinet approved a decision to this end today.      

At the government meeting, Culture Minister Sergiu Prodan said that, besides the cultural and editorial projects, other new financing projects are to be implemented, which will demand an active involvement, including of the National Office of Culture Development. ‘’We talk about the implementation of the programme on support of cultural magazines and the one on backing the translations of national books and ones from abroad, about local programmes on cultural development and ones on supports of the fields of arts, education through art, studies and analyses,’’ Sergiu Prodan also said.   

Under the draft approved by the cabinet, the institution’s director will be selected following a public contest for a five-year mandate. The work and the decision-making process of ONDC will be supervised and monitored by the Council of the Office, made up of seven members, appointed by the Culture Ministry.   



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