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Moldovan foreign affairs ministry says Israeli authorities postpone introduction of compulsory electronic paid permits for entering Israel

10:34 | 25.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 25 July /MOLDPRES/ - The Israeli authorities have postponed till 1 January 2025 the introduction of the paid Electronic Travel Authorization - ETA-IL for entering this country. The Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) today made statements to this effect.  

According to the institution, the getting of ETA-IL was to become compulsory and paid as of 1 August this year for passengers of all countries with which Israel has free visa regime, including for the citizens of Moldova.  

„The site for getting ETA-IL started working in testing regime beginning with 1 June 2024. On this period, the Population and Immigration Authority received a string of requests for revising the date of switch from the testing regime to the operational one. Thus, under the current decision of the Israeli authorities, the pilot programme was extended till 31 December 2024, with Moldova’s citizens having possibility to ask for the authorization without the payment of tax. The Electronic Travel Authorization is got exclusively by electronic means,’’ MAE said.   

The procedure for getting ETA-IL is available on the link: and additional information can be consulted on the link:

Starting from 1 January 2025, the tax for getting ETA-IL on the purpose of approval of the entrance in the State of Israel will cost 25 NIS – about 120 Moldovan lei.   




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