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Moldova detaches new contingent of servicemen to KFOR peacekeeping mission

14:21 | 25.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 25 July /MOLDPRES/ - The 21st contingent of Moldovan peacekeepers today was detached to the KFOR peacekeeping mission in Kosovo. The contingent is made up of 41 servicemen and four women participate in the mission for the second year in a row.   

The KFOR-21 contingent of the National Army, made up of military, infantrymen and specialists sappers, will fulfill missions of security and guard of military objects and patrol of the responsibility area.  

Defence Minister Anatolie Nosatii Anatolie Nosatii said that those 41 servicemen detached by Moldova to the KFOR peacekeeping mission, were trained according to the international requirements and would be interoperable with the armies of the partner states, ensuring the peace and security in the region.  

„Any participation in international missions provides a good experience, new knowledge in the field, possibility to interact with military from other contingents participants and, not in the least, to prove that Moldova is a contributor of the international security and reliable partners,’’ the defence minister said.   

At the same time, the official thanked the Italian and American partners for the training, detaching, and logistic provision of the Moldovan military on the scene of operations.    

For his part, the charge d’affaires of Italy in Chisinau, Armando Pascal, thanked the Moldovan peacekeepers for the contribution to the international peacekeeping effort. He noted that ‘’Italy is proud of being able to cooperate with Moldova, having the common goal to edify a prosperous and safe future in each region of the continent.’’

In last march, the National Army marked ten years of participation in the KFOR peacekeeping mission in Kosovo.

The Moldovan military are members of the Regional Command-West and will be deployed at the Camp Villaggio Italia military base in the Pech settlement, Kosovo.



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