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Moldovan PM visits two projects carried out within European Village Programme in Ocnita district

18:45 | 25.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 25 July /MOLDPRES/ - The government will continue investing in the projects which ensure better conditions for citizens, modernizing the villages and towns of the country and edifying Europe at home. Prime Minister Dorin Recean today conveyed a message to this effect, during his visit to two projects carried out within the European Village programme, the government’s communication department has reported.   

The PM visited the Birnova settlement, where the state provided over 9.4 million lei through the European Village programme for the construction of the aqueduct system. ''I am happy that we managed to radically change the living of the people from Birnova, who have earlier had to carry water in cisterns by tractor. Now, all the village has qualitative water and started delivering it to the Ocnita town as well,’’ Prime Minister Dorin Recean said.   

At the same time, the PM appreciated the project carried out in the Mihalaseni village – an artificial stadium where local residents go in for sports.  

In all, six projects were carried out through the European Village programme in the Ocnita district: water supply system in Birnova and Grinauti, street illumination in Clocusna and Sauca, sanitary unit at the gymnasium from Dingeni and the repair of the community centre from the Girbova village. Presently, the health centre from the Otaci town is under rehabilitation.   

Also, due to the Express European Village programme, three energy efficiency projects were implemented, five sport fields were set and a community centre was repaired.   










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