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Moldovan parliament's delegation to participate in meeting of presidents of Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs

12:34 | 26.07.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 26 July /MOLDPRES/ - A Moldovan parliament’s delegation will participate in a meeting of the presidents of the Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs (COSAC). The event will be held in Budapest on 28-29 July and will be hosted by Hungary’s National Assembly (parliament).   

Moldova’s parliament will be represented by MPs, the head of the commission for foreign policy and European integration Ina Coseru and the head of the commission for economy, budget and finances, Radu Marian.

At the opening of the event, Deputy President of Hungary National Assembly István Jakab will convey a message of greetings to the participants. The schedule and the priorities of Hungarian Presidency of the EU’s Council will be unveiled at the first session of the meeting. The second panel of discussions will be focused on the present stage of the European Union’s enlargement policy in the Western Balkans and the Eastern Europe. European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Oliver Várhelyi will give a speech on the matter.     

On the sidelines of the meeting, lawmakers Ina Coseru and Radu Marian will have bilateral meetings with officials and counterparts of the National Council of Slovenia, Senate of France, Parliament of Croatia, Senate of the Netherlands and Bundesrat of Austria.  

COSAC represents a forum set up in 1989 for cooperation, exchange of information and good practices between the national parliaments of the European Union member states and the European Parliament. COSAC’s goal is to facilitate the discussions between MPs of the national parliament and European lawmakers on practical aspects of the parliamentary control and European affairs.     

The meetings of the presidents of the Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs are organized once in half a year.



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