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Number of Moldovan companies exporting to EU continuously increase

15:15 | 26.07.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 26 July /MOLDPRES/ - The number of Moldova’s companies exporting to the European Union is continuously increasing, from 1,375 in 2018 to 1,825 in 2023. Thus, EU stays the country’s principal commercial partner and investor. Deputy Prime Minister, Economic Development and Digitalization Minister Dumitru Alaiba has made statements this effect.      

„The number of Moldovan companies which export to EU is continuously increasing. From 1,375 in 2018 to 1,825 in 2023. A stable growth year after year. This is a figure I am very much attached to,’’ Dumitru Alaiba said.  

Thus, EU stays Moldova’s principal commercial partner and investor. Presently, over 65 per cent of the country’s exports go to EU and over 80 per cent of the foreign direct investments in the economy come also from EU.  

„Thus is just the beginning. We will expect new and new opportunities and success on our European path. I stay confident – the entrepreneurs are the great winners of the European integration,’’ the official noted.  

According to Alaiba, in 2023, 76 per cent of Moldova’s exporting companies chose the EU market, described as ‘’a stable, predictable and prosperous market.’’ ‘’I am sure that these figures will increase even more, as we near the status of member country of the European Union,’’ the deputy PM added.     




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