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PM visits only trout breeding farm of Moldova

18:54 | 26.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 26 July /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean has gone to the only trout breeding farm of Moldova, developed in the Naslavcea village by young entrepreneur Dumitru Birladean, during his visit to the northern Ocnita district. Besides the activity of breeding fish, the business also comprises a boarding house and an orchard of about 60 hectares, the government’s communication department reported.   

PM Dorin Recean appreciated the innovative spirit of the entrepreneur, who developed an original and complex business on the native market, noting that, on the tourist segment, Moldova still had more opportunities to be turned to good account.   

The fish-breeding farm stretches on an area of half a hectare, where there are seven pools and a private incubation station. Ten-12 tons of fish is produced annually. The boarding house „La păstrăvărie’’ has a hotel with seven chambers, a grill area, a camping area, as well as a special spa area. Thirty people work here and another 120 seasonal workers are employed on the period of harvesting.   

To optimize his business, the entrepreneur resorted also to the state’s assistance, getting a grant worth 420,000 lei for the setting of a photovoltaic station, within the Programme on upgrading and energy efficiency of small- and medium-sized enterprises, implemented by the Organization for Entrepreneurship Development (ODA). Also, with the support of foreign partners, the entrepreneur set an irrigation system for the orchard he owns.   

Dumitru Birladean is also the initiator of the Local Action Group, 33 Forests, which comprises the settlements of Lipnic, Birnova, Girbova, Lencauti, Naslavcea, Frunza, Mereseuca, Ocnita town – about 18,000 residents in all. The entrepreneur soon intends to create a tourist route for this region, with the support of the Culture Ministry.      

„This is a quite interesting tourist route, with historical elements. The government supports such projects. Once this object included in a tourist route, there will be more funds needed for the development of the local infrastructure, the access infrastructure,’’ Prime Minister Dorin Recean added.    






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