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GOVERNMENT EDIFIES// Cubolta river to be cleaned, revitalized in settlement from north Moldova district

14:14 | 27.07.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 27 July /MOLDPRES/ - The Environment Ministry will allocate 17 million lei (850,000 euros) from the Environment Fund fort the cleaning and revitalization of the Cubolta river in the Plop village, northern Donduseni district.  

The money will be used for the cleaning of 4 km of the river bed, works of deepening the river bed, strengthening the banks, planting of trees and arranging the area.

„This initiative will not only improve the river’s functionality, but will also give the residents of the Plop village possibility to rediscover the beauty of this river, which many people remember from their childhood,’’ Environment Minister Sergiu Lazarencu said.

In the last years, the Cubolta river and its springs was hit by miring and excessive growth of vegetation, which affected the quality and natural look of the river. Since the beginning of this summer, the river was included in warnings of the State Hydrometeorological Service concerning the low flow of waters.   





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