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Quality of Moldovan fruits for export to be assessed within programme backed by U.S. Agency for International Development

14:33 | 27.07.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 27 July /MOLDPRES/ - The assessment of the quality of fruits before their export is a compulsory requirement for producers and exporters. For this process to be easier, the Moldova Fruct Association, with the support of the Rural Competitiveness and Resilience in Moldova Project of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), launched a programme on the improvement of the quality of fruits – sweet cherries, apricots, plums and tables grapes.      

The programme’s experts will consolidate the capacities of the specialists at the producing and exporting enterprises to enforce the standards of evaluation of fruits’ quality, thus enhancing their competitiveness on international markets.   

„Due to the joint efforts of marketing and massive investments in the post-harvest infrastructure, in the last five years, the Moldovan fruits have been enjoying outstanding success on the European Union’s and international markets. The aligning with the requirements of the market and the preservation of the stable partnerships, without a system approaching of the fruits’ quality control, at all production stages, is impossible,’’ the executive director of the Moldova Fruct Association, Iurie Fala, said.  

The programme’s goal is to train specialists from enterprises with export potential to implement a system of evaluation of the products’ quality and to improve the exchange of information between departments and clients as to the quality standards. This will contribute to the observance of the requirements of the export country and the importers and will cut the number of denunciations and image risks.    

The high quality fruits are sold on external markets at competitive prices. The ensuring of the fruits’ quality generates both incomes and consolidates the international partners’ trust and facilitates the exporters’ access to new markets.   

The programme on improvement of the quality of fruits and table grapes will be carried out during 2024-2025.





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