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Moldovan parliament speaker says leadership allocate 185 million lei for roads' construction in Anenii Noi district

13:08 | 27.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 27 July /MOLDPRES/ - Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu today visited the villages of Delacau and Puhaceni from the central Anenii Noi district, where he discussed community development projects with local residents, the parliament’s press service has reported.    

„I was happy to meet people involved in the community’s life and confident in our European integration path,’’ the parliament speaker said.  

In Delacau, the parliament speaker visited a modern park, recently constructed through the European Village programme, which is a leisure area not only for the residents of the village, but also for the people from the neighbour settlements. It has a playground for children, sports field and about 800 trees and bushes are planted there.  

In Puhaceni, Igor Grosu visited the Community Centre, which benefited from important investments through the European Village and Express European Village programmes. The recently renovated building, after being ignored during 20 years, hosts rehearsals by the Nistrenii folk band, diverse evening sittings, screenings of films for young people. An agricultural market with a multifunctional field, which reanimates the life of the village, will be constructed also in Puhaceni.   

A problem signaled by the residents of both settlements in the discussions with the parliament speaker is the state of roads. ‘’I know that this is a problem for all our villages and cities; therefore, we do our utmost to allocate resources, including for the local roads.’’

The parliament speaker told the local residents that the process of Moldova’s accession to EU would come including with funds for projects which would be very difficult to be implemented with one’s own forces. ‘’It is important that we understand that the accession to EU is our chance to develop the country, just as we want and we deserve to see it,’’ the parliament speaker noted.







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