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Park from north Moldova village needs investments for conservation of biodiversity

16:43 | 28.07.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 28 July /MOLDPRES/ - Environment Minister Sergiu Lazarencu has come up with an urge to the mayoralty of the Taul village, northern Donduseni district, to apply for the Environment Fund, in order to get the financing necessary for the conservation and turning to good account of the rare species of trees and bushes present in the settlement’s park.   

„I have recently visited the Taul Park from the Donduseni district – the biggest  park arboretum from Moldova. I urged the mayoralty of Taul to apply for the Environment Fund, in order to get the financing needed for the conservation and turning to good account of the rare species of trees and bushes present here. Unfortunately, this ecological and historical treasure faces an alarming degradation and needs urgent interventions to be restored and protected,’’ the environment minister said.    

„Our duty is to protect and turn to account this natural and cultural heritage,’’ the minister stressed.  

The Taul Park is placed in the southern part of the Taul village, Donduseni district. It has an area of 46.2 hectares and is situated just several kilometers far from the Donduseni city and at a distance of about 200 km far from Chisinau. This is a protected area of Moldova and represents a monument of landscape architecture. The park is managed by the mayoralty of Taul. The park’s arboretum collection comprises about 150 species of trees, bushes and lianas, of which over 100 are exotic species.       






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