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Moldovan energy ministry introduces seven candidates for member of Moldovagaz Administrative Board with largest number of points

16:52 | 29.07.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 29 July /MOLDPRES/ - Seven candidates who have got the largest number of points at the contest on the selection of the members of the Moldovagaz company’s Administrative Board were introduced by the Energy Ministry today. Four people out of the seven selected ones are to be chosen to be put forward for the office of member of the Moldovagaz stock company’s Administrative Board.   

Energy Minister Victor Parlicov today announced the names of those seven candidates. ‘’Dorin Junghietu, who worked abroad, including at quite big international companies, got the highest score. The next candidates got very close numbers of points. It is about Roman Stavila, Vadim Ceban, Constantin Vozian, Eduard Calancea, Radu Mandraburcă and Doina Vozian. So, we have seven candidates whom the contest commission put me forward to select out of them the four ones, whom I should put forward to the Council of Observers,’’ Victor Parlicov said.       

Thirty eight files were submitted to the contest launched by the Energy Ministry. Following the analysis of the files presented, 33 candidates were selected for the interview phase, as a result of which those seven candidates with the largest number of points were selected.   

The contest for the selection of the four out the nine members of the Moldovagaz Administrative Board, due to be put forward by the Energy Ministry, was launched in last June.    

The Moldovagaz Administrative Board is a collegial administrative body, made up of nine members appointed at a proposal by the main stockholders for a three-year term.  





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