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Energocom company of Moldova unveils calculations on needs of electric energy for next August

10:20 | 30.07.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 30 July /MOLDPRES/ - The Energocom Company today unveiled the calculations on the needs of electric energy for next August. Thus, the company in August will purchase 343,271 MWh for consumption on the right bank of Dniester, of which 313,538 MWh (or about 85 per cent) - from the Kuchurgan power station of the Transnistrian region.      

According to the forecast, 29,733 MWh (or 8 per cent) will be bought from the Romanian exchange OPCOM, especially during the peak hours.  

„It is estimated that the production of the heating power stations from Chisinau and Balti and of the renewable energy stations will stand at 25,795 MWh or 7 per cent in all,’’ Energocom also said.

In July, according to the forecasts presented by Energocom, the quantity needed by the consumers from the right bank of Dniester was estimated at 364,810 MWh.  

In Mid-July, Energocom informed that the extreme air temperatures recorded in Moldova had led to a higher demand of electric energy on the domestic market. The phenomenon was visible during the peak hours and at night, when the air conditioners were turned on, in order to cool rooms. In these conditions, Energocom purchased the surplus needed of energy from the Romanian exchange OPCOM.     

In October 2023, the Energocom stock company extended the contract on procurement of electric energy with the Kuchurgan power station till the end of the 2024 year; the cost of the energy is of 66 dollars/MWh.    



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