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Barza Albă, Aroma joint stock companies of Moldova to merge for optimizing work

12:40 | 30.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 30 July /MOLDPRES/ - The government has approved the merger of the Barza Albă and Aroma joint stock companies. The reorganization will optimize the work of both companies and is to be carried out by the Public Property Agency (APP) in its capacity of the only shareholder of these enterprises, the government’s communication department has reported.    

The absorption by Barza Albă of the Aroma company will consolidate the enterprise’s position on market and will increase the volume of sales locally, as well as the exports, as a result of the improvement of the technological endowment and, respectively, of the enhancement of the products’ productivity and quality.    

At the same time, the trademarks possessed by the Aroma stock company and the stocks of distilled drinks and cognac will be efficiently turned to account, which will allow extending and diversifying the sales markets. Following the reorganization, for the 2025 year, a growth of about 23 per cent of the net sales against the current year and the company’s market consolidated are planned.   

The Barza Albă Company has a history of about 80 years and the sales market includes such countries as: Australia, the USA, Romania, Israel, China, the Baltic Countries, the Czech Republic, Germany, the entire area of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan. In 2022, the Barza Albă stock company received the status of object of Moldova’s national cultural heritage.       



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