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Quality of postal services to be improved. Moldovan government approves new technical standards

13:23 | 30.07.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 30 July /MOLDPRES/ - The quality of the providing postal services will be improved, through the access of the users and providers of postal services to accurate and updated information. This will be possible, after the government today approved amendments to the national normative framework of the technical standards for the postal services provided by the state operator.   

The draft was worked out, for the aligning with the European Union’s standards. The document sees that Moldova’s Post state enterprise is to observe their requirements, including as regards the time of delivery of postal services, examinations of denunciations in a short time and putting of secured digitalized stamps.    

„In this way, the postal services will become more efficient. The Moldova’s Post state enterprise has made already important steps to this end, by getting more international certificates. Through the approval of this draft, we make a significant step to the modernization of our postal services and the closer integration into the European family,’’ Deputy PM, Economic Development and Digitalization Minister Dumitru Alaiba said.  

The implementation of the draft’s provisions does not need financial means from the state budget.

Moldova’s Post state enterprise got the GOLD certificate on conformity with the postal security standards and the certificate of recognition as to the postal address standard S42 of the Universal Postal Service.  


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