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Moldovan firemen detached to Greece take part in extinguishing of big forest fire

12:56 | 30.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 30 July /MOLDPRES/ - Firemen from Moldova, detached to Greece, have participated in the extinguishing of a big forest fire which broke out on the Evia island on 29 July.    

The information on the breaking out of the fire was received at about 16:00. The fire comprised an area of about 600 hectares of forest vegetation on the Evia Island. At the moment of the Moldovan team’s movement, 60 Greek firemen with ten special intervention vehicles have been already involved in the area hit by the fire.   

Thus, according to data by the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (IGSU), 13 firemen from Moldova moved to the area of the Kreiza and Filadis towns with four special intervention vehicles, in order to help the local forces and services. The IGSU firemen managed to localize the fires on their fire-fighting sector today morning by 7:00.     

Earlier this week, another 20 firemen making up the Interior Ministry’s IGSU team for the terrestrial combating of forest fires were detached to Greece, in order to replace the first group.  

The pre-Positioning Mission will last till 15 August 2024. And the IGSU firemen will be daily involved in missions of monitoring, patrol and extinguishing of eventual fires in the locations established by local forces.

The mission is organized within the European Prepositioning Programme of the Forest Fires Extinguishing Teams in Greece, Nea Makri region, organized within the EU’s Civil Protection Mission.





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