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Forty two companies of Moldova get grants worth 11.3 million lei in all

14:41 | 30.07.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 30 July /MOLDPRES/ - A number of 42 companies of Moldova have got non-refundable financing worth 11.3 million lei from the state budget. The money will be used for developing businesses. The contracts on grants were signed in Chisinau today. 

The grants were got through more programmes managed by the Organization for Entrepreneurship Development (ODA), in cooperation with the Economic Development and Digitalization Ministry.

The beneficiary companies work in diverse sectors, such as food products, manufacturing toys, accommodation and public nourishment services, architecture and accountancy services, cultivation of cereals and breeding animals. There are also 14 women among the entrepreneurs due to receive grants.    

Deputy Prime Minister, Economic Development and Digitalization Minister Dumitru Alaiba said that the grants provided to those 42 companies would generate the attraction of investments worth 21.3 million lei to the economy.

In the last two years, about 8,300 entrepreneurs have been backed through programmes managed by ODA, through services of consultancy, training and grants programmes which reached the overall value of non-refundable financing of 2.5 billion lei. The entrepreneurs created and maintained about 16,760 jobs with the implementation of diverse projects. Their investments in the economy amount to about 4.8 billion lei.  






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