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Moldova's central electoral commission to cooperate with TikTok platform, to combat misinformation on electoral period

10:47 | 31.07.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 31 July /MOLDPRES/ - The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) will cooperate with the TikTok platform, in order to combat the misinformation on the electoral period. The subject was discussed at a meeting of the CEC members and civil servants with the representative of the TikTok platform, Azamat Burzhuev, on a working visit to Moldova.   

The participants referred to the TikTok’s policies and instruments, in order to fight, during the electoral campaign, the false, erroneous messages and the ones published with the infringement of the legal provisions concerning the political and electoral advertising.  

At the same time, the sides analyzed the mechanisms through which CEC can use TikTok for the informing and electoral education, and how it can notify the platform, in order to counteract the threats to the integrity of the elections.   

CEC president Angelica Caraman welcomed the platform’s initiatives to establish these cooperation relations with the electoral authority of Moldova, taking into account that ’’the phenomenon of misinformation, including in the online space, is boosting significantly, especially on the electoral period.’’       

The CEC head noted that the institution was open for identifying proper actions, in order to provide transparency and correctness to the electoral process, through the TikTok network – social network which become more and more popular among Moldova’s citizens.    

The presidential elections and a republican constitutional referendum on Moldova’s accession to the European Union will be held in the country on 20 October.





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