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Moldovan parliament takes final decision: New headquarters of U.S. Embassy in Moldova, park for citizens to be built on area of former republican stadium

13:24 | 31.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 31 July /MOLDPRES/ - The diplomatic campus of the United States, as well as a public park will be constructed on the territory of the former republican stadium, placed on the Tighina 12 Street from the centre of the Moldovan capital. The MPs today ratified the Agreement with the Government of the USA on the procurement of the property for the new headquarters of the diplomatic mission.    

Thus, the ground, with an area of about 5.2 hectares, which has been abandoned for 17 years, will be revived; the historical gates of the former stadium will be restored; public art installations and a public park are will be arranged. The American authorities commit to create also spaces open for the wide public and the investments announced will be of about 250 million dollars.  

The authorities informed that the purchasing price for the ground had been  negotiated in accordance with the provisions of the Law on the delivery of a real estate onerously or gratuitously. The price is of 18 million euros. The concerned money will be allocated by the authorities for the carrying out of important projects, such as the repair of more sports schools, designing of the future national stadium and the setting up of The Universe Centre of contemporary culture and art. Also, the USA will reimburse expenses worth up to 7.5 million euros related to the transfer of the ground with vacant possession, including any payments dealing with the expropriation and its release from any buildings.    

The Agreement with the Government of the USA on the procurement of the property for the new headquarters of the diplomatic mission in Chisinau was concluded for one year, with possibility to be to be extended by additional periods of one year each, but not more than five times.   




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